Fast Food Breakfast For Diabetics Ideas

If you are diabetic, then you are looking for a healthy fast food breakfast for diabetics, so this article is devoted to the most important information and advice about healthy breakfast for diabetics. Also, we will provide you with some low-glycemic breakfast ideas to help you in the morning. 

Let’s see some tips you can apply to have a healthy breakfast that won’t shoot up your blood sugar:

Check out prediabetes foods to avoid.

Best fast food breakfast for diabetics ideas

Here are a variety of options from which a healthy dish for breakfast can include:

Food high in protein 

Protein options include what comes:

  • Eggs: Boiled eggs are a healthy option for breakfast, and if you want them fried, use olive oil for this.
  • Greek Yogurt: contains more protein and fewer carbohydrates compared to other types of yogurts, choose the unsweetened type and add more fruit.
  • Cottage cheese: cottage cheese can be eaten separately or with cucumbers and tomatoes for a richer breakfast.
  • Nuts and nut butter: a slice of brown bread with a little peanut butter is an ideal option, or add little nuts to the yogurt.

High fiber options

High fiber options include vegetables, fruits, and whole grains like oats.

Steel cut oats for diabetics

Oatmeal has a high fiber content equivalent to 4 g per cup, is rich in vitamins and folic acid, which makes it work on:

  • Facilitate digestion.
  • Reduce hunger.
  • Slow down the absorption of sugar in the blood.

Add a little fruit or cinnamon to the mixture to make it more appetizing or healthy nuts, such as walnuts, almonds to become a more nutritious breakfast.

Cereal for breakfast

This is a healthy and high-fiber option if you choose a type with a low percentage of added sugar.

You can follow rules 5 – 5 when buying breakfast cereals, that is, they contain more than 5 g of fiber and less than 5 g of sugar per serving.

Unsweetened almond milk breakfast cereal is an ideal choice for a healthy breakfast for diabetics.

Check out vegetables for diabetics.


Whole fruit is a good option for diabetics, such as berries, apples, and strawberries with yogurt and oats?

An avocado is a favorite option of diabetics, but pay attention to the amount consumed if you are trying to lose weight.

 Check out is mango good for diabetics?

Recipes for a healthy breakfast for diabetics

Here are some ideas to prepare a healthy breakfast for diabetics and tasty in what comes:

Egg and avocado toast

Here’s how to prepare it:

  • Place half a grain of avocado puree on a slice of whole-grain bread.
  • Add a little salt and pepper.
  • Add on top a boiled egg with a little vegetable.

French toast

You can do it like that:

  • Dip a slice of whole-grain toast into a mixture of eggs, skim milk, cinnamon, and vanilla.
  • One spoon of vegetable oil.
  • Put on it a mixture of fruit puree with little chia seeds.

Almonds and fruits

A handful of almonds and a small portion of fruits with a low glycemic index such as berries, plums, apples, or oranges can be eaten at breakfast, as nuts contain healthy monounsaturated fats that help increase the feeling of satiety., in addition, fruits contain fiber, give a sweet taste without causing an increase in blood sugar.

Whole grains for breakfast

Whole cereals for breakfast with skim milk are a healthy meal suitable for diabetics. Since these cereals contain a lot of fiber, a small amount of sugar and are a good source of vitamins. 

Actually, half a cup of whole cereals for breakfast contains about 15 grams of carbohydrates, and it is recommended to limit the addition of butter, sugar, and sugar.

Fruit with cheese or eggs

Avocado is a healthy fruit rich in heart-healthy fats. 

One cup of it contains 10 grams of fiber, but although fruits are a good option for diabetics. However, pay attention as eating large amounts of them can increase blood sugar levels.

Strawberry peanut butter sandwich

A sandwich can be made from one and a half tablespoons of roasted peanut butter with wholemeal bread.

Then add half a cup of strawberries to get the fiber and protein that help increase the feeling of satiety. 

This meal contains 290 calories:

  •  8 grams of sugar. 
  • 12 grams of saturated fat.
  • 380 milligrams of sodium. 
  • 35 grams of carbohydrates. 
  • 8.5 grams of fibers.

The importance of healthy breakfast for type 2 diabetes

No doubt, a healthy breakfast is the most important meal of the day, as it helps to keep blood sugar stable throughout the day, and skipping it leads to increased blood sugar levels after lunch and dinner.

It is worth mentioning that not all breakfasts for diabetics should contain protein, fiber, and healthy fats.

If you have diabetes, you should prepare a healthy breakfast because: 

  • Regulate blood sugar ratios and track weight.
  • Avoid exposure to risk factors, such as:
  1. Heart disease.
  2. High blood pressure.
  3. Increased blood fat.
  4. Reduce the risk of long-term diabetes complications, such as kidney and nerve damage.

Check out how long does it take to reverse prediabetes.

How to prepare a simple breakfast for diabetics

So, start your day right here are the most important tips to ensure a healthy breakfast for diabetics, namely:

  • Replace white flour bread with products made from whole grain flour, flax flour, and soy flour that are healthier for the digestive system and give a feeling of fullness.
  • Replace jams with healthier alternatives, such as mashed bananas, fresh date pieces, or nut butter with no added sugar.
  • Use a little vegetable oil while cooking, such as olive or sunflower oil instead of butter or margarine.
  • Increase your fiber intake by adding more fresh or dried fruits and vegetables.
  • Avoid breakfast options full of added sugar, such as pastries, granola bars, and cakes.
  • Incorporating healthy protein and lean fiber, make you feel full for longer and prevent hyperglycemia.
  • Choose foods that contain healthy saturated fats, such as turkey bacon, or chicken sausages, and combine them with other sources of healthy fats, such as avocados, nuts, and seeds.

Check out pre-diabetic snacks that keep blood sugar low.

Lastly, there are hundreds of options to prepare healthy fast food breakfast for diabetics. However, make sure you are using the right ingredients that has low glycemic index to keep your blood sugar controlled.