7-Day Diabetic Meal Plan PDF

A 7-day diabetic meal plan helps you maintain a healthy weight which is important for everyone, but if you have diabetes, excess weight can make it difficult to control your blood sugar levels and may increase the risk of some complications, losing weight can be an additional challenge for people with diabetes.

Eating healthy while you are trying to lose weight is important, but if you have diabetes, choosing the wrong diet may harm your health. Weight loss pills and hunger regimes should be avoided, but many popular diets may be beneficial. Also, before following any diet plan you should consult your doctor.

7-day diabetic meal plan pdf

The Smart Diabetes Diet, like the healthy eating plan doctors recommend for everyone, includes plenty of fiber-rich fruits and vegetables, whole-grain carbohydrates in moderation, lean protein, and a moderate amount of healthy fats.
In general, there is no specific diet for a diabetic patient, but it is necessary to take appropriate steps for the disease in order to improve quality of life.

Check out what is diabetic exchange.

Type 2 diabetes is distinguished by high insulin resistance, a condition in which the body is unable to efficiently use the hormone insulin to transfer glucose (blood sugar) to cells and muscles for energy. This causes glucose to accumulate in the blood at higher-than-normal levels, putting your health in danger.

Check out the best diet for diabetes type 2.

Choosing the correct proportions of nutritious foods can help lower and stabilize blood sugar levels, minimize diabetic symptoms, and lower the risk of health consequences such as nerve damage, vision problems, heart disease, kidney damage, and stroke.
Losing just 5 to 7% of your body weight will help you better control type 2 diabetes or keep prediabetes from developing to full- diabetes. check out how long it takes to reverse prediabetes.

Check out the South Beach Diet.

Diet for diabetics for a week

The key to success for a healthy diet with diabetes:

Check out food to avoid pre-diabetes.

1. More vegetables in your meals

Add one extra serving of non-starchy veggies for dinner, and consider adding veggies to your snack as well.

2. Include more fruit

Research shows that eating berries, apples, and pears is linked to weight loss. These are particularly high-fiber choices, but in general, all other fruits are important too, just make sure you include them in your carb servings.

Can a diabetic eat mango? Check out

3. Stay active

You should aim to be active for 150 minutes a week (that’s just 30 minutes five days a week), but to start with, start by walking for 15 minutes a few times a week, and then add the time.

4. Breakfast is essential

Eating breakfast is a habit of people who lose weight in the long term. You can choose healthy low-calorie meals such as plain yogurt with fruit, nuts, and fruit or scrambled eggs and whole-grain toast, all of which are diabetes-friendly breakfasts.

Check out the best snacks for prediabetes

Diet for diabetics for a week

If you have diabetes, include these superfoods in your doctor’s recommended treatment plan to help control your condition and lower your risk of complications. Check out the superfoods list.

1. Avocado

The healthy unsaturated fats found in avocados can help regulate appetite, plus eating healthy fats also helps reduce risk factors for heart disease, which diabetics are at greater risk of hyperglycemia.

2. Peach

Peaches have no added sugars, are lower on the glycemic index scale than most dried fruits, and provide 3 grams of fiber per serving.

A study also found that eating 5 to 6 prunes daily helps prevent bone loss, which is most susceptible to people with diabetes.

3. Oats

Start your day with a bowl of oats to give you energy, they are a good source of whole grains and also rich in fiber, in addition to beta-glucan, to be useful in decreasing harmful cholesterol levels

4. Chili

Chili peppers are a low-calorie, low-carb way to add a little spicy flavor to your meals with many health benefits because they contain capsaicin, which fights inflammation and lowers blood pressure, as well as helping to boost metabolism, which may help with weight management.

5. Mushroom

Mushrooms may be a low-carbohydrate alternative to meat, as well as a good source of fiber and antioxidants.

6. Greek Yogurt

Eating yogurt as part of a healthy diet may reduce your risk of developing type 2 diabetes, as it provides you with a protein boost without a ton of carbs (Per cup, there are just around 6 grams of carbohydrates). Check the effect of Greek yogurt on an upset stomach.

7. Apple

Apples are among the foods that are high in flavonoid quercetin, which in turn reduces the chances of death for patients with diabetes and heart disease. There are other sources of quercetin such as (onions, tomatoes, leafy vegetables, and berries).

8. Citrus fruits

Studies show that people with diabetes tend to have low levels of vitamin C in their bodies, so citrus fruits that are full of antioxidants are a great snack option.

9. Salmon or mackerel

Heart disease affects twice as many people with diabetes as it does in people without diabetes, according to the American Diabetes Association.

Diets rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as wild Alaskan salmon, sardines, and mackerel, can help lower LDL cholesterol.

Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) triglycerides clog arteries while raising levels of good cholesterol.

10. Foods rich in fiber

Instead of trying to figure out exactly how much fiber is in different foods, focus on trying to get a total of 13 daily servings of a combination of fruits, vegetables, beans, brown rice, pasta, cereal, and whole-grain bread.

11. Legumes

Legumes are a great addition to soups and salads, and they help you lower your risk of diabetes and heart disease because they’re low in fat and calories, and rich in fiber and protein.

12. Green tea

Studies show that chronic inflammation caused by foods high in fat, lack of exercise, and eating few fruits and vegetables can increase the risk of heart attacks and hinder the body’s ability to absorb blood sugar. But with green tea, orange juice, or cranberry juice, you can fight infections, because they are all full of flavonoids.

Check out what to eat for breakfast with green tea.

13. Nuts

Studies show that people who eat nuts regularly have lower rates of heart disease than people who don’t.

14. Spinach, kale and cabbage

All these green leafy vegetables are good sources of lutein – a carotenoid that is beneficial for the eyes and is an important substance for diabetics, as it reduces complications of the disease, as well as great sources of fiber, B vitamins, iron, calcium, and vitamin C.

15. Dark Chocolate

Studies proved dark chocolate improves insulin sensitivity, which is a critical improvement in preventing or treating type 2 diabetes. Dark chocolate also lowers blood pressure and bad cholesterol and improves blood vessel function.

Calculation of carbohydrates in the diet for diabetics

7-day diabetic meal plan pdf

The best course for people with diabetes is to control their carbohydrate intake, “Although individual carbohydrate goals will vary based on age, activity level, medications, and individual insulin resistance levels, it is essential to avoid having too many carbohydrates in one sitting.”

If you have prediabetes or type 2 diabetes and are not on any medication, limit carbohydrates to no more than 60 grams per serving (4 servings of carbohydrates).

The best sources of carbohydrates for a person with diabetes are high-fiber sources from whole foods, which can help improve glucose control. These include:

  • Fruit and vegetables.
  • Fat-free or low-fat dairy products.
  • Whole grains.
  • Reduce your sugar intake.
  • Reduce your intake of refined grains such as white bread and pasta.
  • Use the glycemic index
  • The glycemic index has become an important measure in recent years, especially for people with diabetes, and it measures a food’s ability to raise blood sugar levels.
  • The glycemic index was developed nearly 30 years ago to categorize foods according to how quickly they raise blood glucose levels.

How to measure the glycemic index

A Glycemic index is an indicator that is a numerical expression that indicates how much blood glucose changes after eating certain foods, and it is a simple laboratory test. Today, it can be calculated with calculators.

It is used to determine the speed at which carbohydrates pass into the blood in the form of glucose. A scale from 0 to 110 is used:

  1. 0 to 55 is a low indicator.
  2. Between 56 and 69 is considered average.
  3. 70 to 110 is considered high.

Check out what glycemic index is considered low.

Foods that diabetics should avoid

For people with diabetes, there are some foods to limit. These foods can cause a spike in blood sugar or contain unhealthy fats. These foods include:

  • Processed grains, such as white rice or white pasta.
  • Fruits with added sweeteners, including sauces, jams, and some canned fruits.
  • Full-fat dairy products.
  • Fried foods or foods high in trans fats or saturated fats.
  • Foods made with refined flour.
  • Any food that has a high glycemic index.

Check out vegetables for diabetics to avoid.

Diet for diabetics for a week

To plan a healthy diet schedule for him, to avoid various health problems, a diabetic food plan will be presented, consisting of 5 meals for 7 days, as follows:



  • One slice of whole grain bread.
  • Half a cup of cooked spinach with a teaspoon of olive oil.
  • 2 Scrambled eggs.
  • A quarter cup of low-fat shredded cheese.
  • A cup of coffee with a teaspoon of cream.


  • One serving of chicken salad with seasoning.
  • A loaf of whole-grain bread.
  • Snack: A tablespoon of peanut butter. and small apple.


  • 4 ounces of grilled chicken.
  • Grilled small potatoes.
  • A cup of green beans and fried mushrooms.


A small apple with a tablespoon of almond butter.



  • One cup is equivalent to 100 grams of cooked oatmeal.
  • ¾ cup cranberries, or a few grams of almonds.
  • One teaspoon of chia seeds.


  • Two cups of fresh spinach.
  • Two ounces of grilled chicken breast.
  • Half a cup of chickpeas.
  • Small avocado.
  • Half a cup of chopped strawberries.
  • A quarter cup of shredded carrots.
  • Two tablespoons of low-fat dressing.
  • Snack:
  • A small peach is cut into cubes.
  • A third of a cup of cottage cheese with a fat content of 2%.


  • A bowl of “whole grain” oats.
  • Half a cup of fried eggplant.
  • 4 pieces of dried tomatoes.
  • 5 large olives, chopped.
  • Half a cucumber, cut into cubes.
  • A tablespoon of balsamic vinegar.
  • Some fresh basil.
  • Snack one apple and 2 teaspoons of almond butter.


On the third day


  • 3/4 cup of bran flakes.
  • Piece of fruit.
  • A cup of skim milk.
  • Boiled egg.


  • Two ounces of red meat.
  • Two teaspoons of low-fat mayonnaise.
  • Half a cup of chopped celery.
  • a slice of bread.
  • A medium-sized orange.
  • Snack: one cup of vegetable juice ( tomato juice).


  • Two ounces of lean chicken breast.
  • Half a cup of cooked pasta.
  • A teaspoon of vegetable butter.
  • Quarter of a cup of cantaloupe.
  • A cup of skim milk.
  • Snack: a cup of low-fat Greek yogurt and a small banana.


the fourth day


  • A medium slice of whole grain bread.
  • Two teaspoons of jelly.
  • Half a cup of shredded wheat grains.
  • A cup of 1% low-fat milk.
  • 2 Fruits like orange and kiwi.


  • 3 ounces of grilled chicken breast.
  • One and a half cups of fresh cauliflower.
  • A teaspoon of ready-made salad dressing.
  • A cup of fresh strawberries.
  • Snack: fruit.


  • Sliced ​​large onion.
  • Two teaspoons of curry powder.
  • Two-thirds of a cup of whole wheat couscous.
  • A cup and a third of water.
  • Two cups of cooked chicken.
  • A cup of frozen peas.
  • One sweet pepper.
  • Half a cup of low-fat mayonnaise.
  • 3 tablespoons of sauce.
  • Snack: small peach and 1/3 cup of cottage cheese with a fat content of 2%.


The fifth day


  • Toast bread sandwich with sweet potatoes.
  • Snack:
  • A cup of low-fat Greek yogurt.


  • 3 ounces of grilled chicken breast.
  • One and a half cups of fresh cauliflower.
  • A teaspoon of ready-made salad dressing.
  • A cup of fresh strawberries.
  • Half a small banana.


  • Two-thirds of a cup of quinoa.
  • 8 ounces of tofu.
  • A cup of cooked Chinese cabbage.
  • A cup of steamed broccoli.
  • Two teaspoons of olive oil.
  • One piece of kiwi fruit.


Add one cup of celery to it and one and a half teaspoons of peanut butter.


The sixth day


  • loaf of bread.
  • A quarter cup of cheese.
  • Half a large banana.
  • A cup of 1% low-fat milk.


  • Half a cup of canned tuna in water.
  • A teaspoon of mayonnaise.
  • Half a cup of mixed vegetables.
  • a slice of bread.
  • A medium orange.
  • Snack: one apple and 2 teaspoons of almond butter.


  • Two ounces of red meat.
  • Half a cup of cooked pasta.
  • A teaspoon of vegetable butter.
  • A quarter of a cup of watermelon.
  • A cup of skim milk.
  • Snack:
  • One cup of cucumber plus one teaspoon of tahini.


the seventh day


  • Two slices of roasted sweet potato topped with an ounce of cheese, spinach, and a teaspoon of flaxseeds.
  • Snack:
  • 16 pieces of pistachio nuts.


  • 5 and a half ounces of green leafy salad.
  • Two tablespoons of chopped almonds.
  • ¼ cup of toasted pumpkin seeds.
  • Half a cup of dried berries.
  • Small apple cut into cubes.
  • A third of a cup of low-fat feta cheese.
  • 7 ounces of roasted turkey breast.
  • A tablespoon of olive oil.


  • Two-thirds of a cup of quinoa.
  • 8 ounces of tofu.
  • A cup of cooked Chinese cabbage.
  • A cup of steamed broccoli.
  • Two teaspoons of olive oil.
  • One piece of kiwi fruit.
  • Snack:
  • A cup of celery with a tablespoon of peanut butter.