When you have a healthy gut, your body will be functioning at its peak. Your health, along with your ability to absorb nutrients from the foods you eat, is deeply influenced by gut health.
Over time, gut issues can cause you to feel tired and experience cravings for simple carbs like refined sugar. Taking care of your gut also gives you the ability to absorb more vitamins and minerals from the foods you eat.
Superfoods are foods that are packed with nutrients that are beneficial to the health of your gut and your entire body. They can help you to keep your gut healthy and avoid malnutrition issues.
Check out the List of The Morning Superfood.
So, are superfoods the solution for your damaged gut health? and which foods can you start with? Let’s find out.
3 Superfoods for Gut Health
Here are 3 superfoods that can help your gut heal itself and keep you feeling your best.
There’s no doubt that this food has powerful health benefits.
High in antioxidants and low in calories, blueberries is a great way to start your day with a healthy boost. They are also high in fiber, which can help you feel fuller longer and may boost your metabolism.
Blueberries are also a good source of quercetin. This antioxidant is great for digestion and may help reduce bloating and gas.
Another food you’ll want to add to your diet if you’re looking to keep your gut happy is turmeric. This spice is great for absorbing and extracting the most beneficial nutrients from food. Turmeric is also a powerful anti-inflammatory, which can help ease digestive issues.
If you’re looking to improve your gut health, you may want to consider adding these three superfoods to your diet. From kimchi to sauerkraut, these fermented foods are packed with probiotics that can help boost your digestive system. Did you know?
Check out the benefits of probiotics weight loss.
Kimchi, sauerkraut, and pickles are just a few fermented foods that can help your gut flora thrive.
How to improve gut motility? Check out.
Oils that has role in healing your gut health
Grapeseed oil
Grapeseed oil is high in antioxidants, so it can help boost the production of white blood cells. This helps your body fight off infections and strengthen your immune system.
Coconut oil
This is also high in antioxidants. It may help increase your energy levels, while also improving your cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
Coconut oil is another ingredient in this smoothie you’ll want to add to your diet. It’s high in lauric acid, which has antimicrobial and antiviral properties.
Worst foods for gut health
After we finished talking about the best superfoods foy gut health, we must mention the worst foods so you can stay away from to keep your gut safe and sound.
The worst foods for your gut health are refined sugar, alcohol, and food additives.
Sugar and alcohol spike your blood sugar and can trigger an inflammatory response in your gut. They also contribute to insulin resistance and belly fat.
Refined carbs can wreak havoc on your gut bacteria, contributing to leaky gut.
Food additives like MSG (monosodium glutamate), artificial sweeteners and xylitol are dangerous for your gut bacteria. They can also trigger an immune response in your gut that causes inflammation and damage.
What is leaky gut?
Leaky gut occurs when your intestinal lining becomes compromised. This allows proteins, fats, and other harmful substances to leak into your bloodstream, which can lead to systemic inflammation.
What Heals Leaky Gut? check out.
How to increase good bacteria in gut naturally?
Eating probiotics is one approach to improve our gut flora and shift the balance toward healthy bacteria. Probiotics are fermented foods that have been inoculated with live bacteria and/or yeasts.
Not all fermented foods, however, are probiotics. Food must contain enough live bacteria to withstand food processing in our bodies to be labelled a probiotic. The following are the two most common species of live bacteria/yeast identified in probiotics:
- Lactobacillus rhamnosus is a kind of bacteria that naturally appears in the stomach and aids in the treatment of IBS, diarrhoea, and cavities.
- Saccharomyces boulardii is a yeast that aids in the treatment of rotavirus diarrhoea in children, as well as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and IBS.
Probiotics also help with digestion, vaginal infections, and skin issues, as well as fighting urine infections.
Probiotics can also be obtained as dietary supplements, in addition to fermented meals.
Granola bars, protein shakes, and fruit juices are among the foods and drinks that include them. The following are some of the most well-known probiotics:
- Yogurt
- Kefir
- Kombucha
- Sauerkraut
- Pickles
- Miso\sTempeh
- Kimchi
- Bread made with sourdough starter
- Some cheeses
Healthy gut diet plan
After evaluating many products, the best product to control your GI health is a probiotic.
To build the perfect healthy gut diet plan try including blueberries, reishi mushroom and coconut water with sea salt.
These foods will replenish good bacteria in your gut so you can have regular bowel movements which allows you to have healthy bowel movements.
Taking them throughout the day ensures that there will be good bacteria on board when you need it most and decreases your risk of infections.
How to stop taking prescription medications?
If you are taking prescription medications, they can affect your gut health, digestion as well as other systems in your body.
Some prescription medications can disrupt your body’s normal elimination processes and cause constipation, especially if you take them regularly. The best way to deal with this is to have healthy gut flora by taking probiotics and taking the time to eat a healthy diet.
How to starve bad gut bacteria
What you eat affects your gut bacteria and consequently your overall health. Bacteria make up 90% of the cells in our bodies, so improving their overall health is vital for maintaining optimal wellbeing.
There are a few things you can do to promote good gut health. One is to eat anti inflammatory foods. Another is to take probiotic supplements. And lastly, you can eat live cultures. All of these things will help to keep your gut healthy and free from inflammation.
The next logical question to ask, now that we know how bad gut bacteria can adversely affect our health, is what we can do to keep these bad bacteria in check.
To improve your gut microbiota, you need to change your diet. This means consuming foods that nourish good gut bacteria and avoiding foods that feed bad gut bacteria.
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Bad gut bacteria adversely affect our health. The best way to deal with this is to have healthy gut flora by taking probiotics and taking the time to eat a healthy diet. Now we know 3 superfoods that can help your gut thrive and keep you feeling your best : blueberries, turmeric, and probiotics. In addition, we also discuss the foods you need to avoid as well as the foods that need to consume to keep your gut microbiota in an optimal composition.